It began on Friday evening with the launch night of our most recent single 'Falling For Orpheus' at the Watershed in Bristol.
The night started with brilliant pianist Ed Wren, joined by the equally talented Zoë Wren on vocals, who together performed a lovely chilled out set including the second part to 'Falling For Orpheus', named 'Eurydice Rising'. Ed later left the stage and Zoë picked up her acoustic guitar taking the night in a more folky direction. After this we had a short interval to give the wonderfully attentive audience a break and re-set the stage.
After a short break warming up, tuning our many many instruments, and running about the place in our ridiculous heels, we took to the stage. It was an absolute honour to play to such a wonderful audience. Also to have such beautiful projected visuals displayed behind us by Scott Quinn, and to be joined once again by the amazing Dear Light - Zoë kindly joined us for 'Falling For Orpheus' too.
Once the night was over we packed up and headed home to what would be a very short sleep before we were up again to play in Head Bristol as part of Record Store Day. In contrast to the previous night we played a much more subdued acoustic set. It was fun to do something so different.
Beginning the night was wonderful folk musician Sharon Martin with her brilliant new band The Occasional Band. We then finished the evening with another acoustic(ish) performance and wrapped up a very enjoyable weekend.
Catch us next for a free entry show at The Colston Hall Foyer on 2nd May.