Last night we had the amazing experience of playing online via Concert Window. Thank you so much to everyone who tuned in and watched our set. We spent most of the day rearranging the room and soundchecking, and although it wasn't perfect by a long shot, we feel much more comfortable about doing more.
This is what our living room looked like last night - purple haze, fairy lights and too many guitars!
If you fancy, you can watch a clip of our show last night. This song is called 'My Life' and it's our first and (probably) only protest song (featuring a rogue autoharp strap).
Last week we presented our first radio show on Pirate Nation Radio. This was a very exciting ordeal and we are honoured that the station asked us to put it together. From now on we'll be doing a monthly show each having a theme, last weeks being 'siblings', where we play music in that category.
We're very excited about our FIRST EVER radio show on Pirate Nation Radio. The station has always been supportive of our music and it's such a pleasure to be able to work with them.
We'll be doing a monthly themed music show starting TOMORROW at 7pm. You can tune in here.